Silence and Solidity in Early Anglo-American Modernism: Nietzsche, the Fourth Dimension, and Ezra Pound Symbiosis 10.1 and 10.2


Author: Ian F. A. Bell & Meriel Lland
Pages: 35

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Richard Gravil was Secretary of the Wordsworth Conference Foundation and Director of the Summer Conference 2007-2010, and of the Wordsworth Winter School. He wrote Romantic Dialogues: Anglo-American Continuities, 1776-1862 (2000), of Wordsworth's Bardic Vocation, 1787-1842 (2003), and of Wordsworth and Helen Maria Williams; or, the Perils of Sensibility (2010). He edited or co-edited nine books, including collections of essays on Coleridge, Swift, Wordsworth, Anglo-American Poetry and Nineteenth Century Fiction.

Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'Wild' Wales Symbiosis 13.1
"Changing Skies": The Roles of Native and American Narratives in the Politicisation of Seamus Heaney's Early Poetry Symbiosis 6.2
Shattering the Fountain: Irving's Re-Vision of "Kubla Khan" in "Rip Van Winkle" Symbiosis 4.1 1-17
'Contracted to an eye-quiet world': Sonic Census or Poetics of Place in Alice Oswald. Symbiosis 10.2 (October 2007) 167-185
Lifted to genius? Wordsworth in Emerson's Nurture and Nature Symbiosis 2.1 125-40

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