Solidarity Through Difference: Rushdie's Anti-Example in The Jaguar Smile Symbiosis 13.1


Author: Kim Sasser

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(Out of) Time in America: Louis MacNeice 1930-43 Symbiosis 1.1 115-134
Self-Reliance: Individualism in Emerson and Coleridge Symbiosis 5.1 51-68
Robert Lowell, Life Studies, and the Father Poetry of Michael Hofmann Symbiosis 5.2 173-89
Fellow Pantisocrats: Brissot, Cooper and Imlay Symbiosis 1.1 35-47
Transatlantic influences in periodical editing: from Francis Jeffrey’s Edinburgh Review to Horace Greeley’s New-York Tribune Symbiosis 9.1 45-64

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