"Where Knock is Open Wide": Christopher Smart's Transatlantic Crossings, 1950-1986 Symbiosis 12.1


Author: Karina Williamson

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The Difficult Homages of Berryman and Bradstreet, Symbiosis 7.1 11-34
A Tale of Too Many Cities: The Clash's "Ghetto defendant" and Transnational Disruptions Symbiosis 14.1
Romantic Niagara: Environmental Aesthetics, Indigenous Culture and Transatlantic Tourism, 1776-1850 Symbiosis 12.2
'Contracted to an eye-quiet world': Sonic Census or Poetics of Place in Alice Oswald. Symbiosis 10.2 (October 2007) 167-185
"Imago Christi": Hopkins and Whitman Symbiosis 6.1 1-26

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