Romantic Niagara: Environmental Aesthetics, Indigenous Culture and Transatlantic Tourism, 1776-1850 Symbiosis 12.2


Author: Kevin Hutchings

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Beyond Boundaries: Cricket, Herman Melville, and C. L. R. James's Cold War Symbiosis 6.2 159-178
Conradian Echoes in Vietnam War Literature: Tim O'Brien's Rewriting of Heart of Darkness in "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong" Symbiosis 11.1 3-30
'Fearing Nothing so Much as Reconstituted Antiquity': Hawthorne Revisited in Henry James's The American Scene
A Tale of Too Many Cities: The Clash's "Ghetto defendant" and Transnational Disruptions Symbiosis 14.1
Imperial Pasts and Dark Futurities: Freneau and Brackenridge's "The Rising Glory of America" Symbiosis 6.1 27-43

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